Are You Ready?
As we enter the age of Predictive / Prescriptive Analytics and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) it’s important to understand where you are in terms of readiness. While the potentials to reach new heights in terms of safety, productivity and savings are high you have to know how close you are to being able embark on this journey.
Here a few questions to get started:

4Atmos consultants can help you perform a “Readiness Assessment” to understand where you are, what you need to do and how to begin preparing for a successful predictive/prescriptive analytics initiative in your organization.
Contact us to set up a conference call to discuss your options and outline a strategy for success!
Assess the Risk
In order to know where you’re going you have to know where you are in terms of risk.
Here are few questions to
help you gauge your risk level:

We’ve helped customers manage each of these risks through implementation of pro-active, predictive/prescriptive analytic solutions and organizational change processes that help mitigate / reduce losses and establish a new “normal”. This new normal is a place where risks are reduced and systems / processes put in place to augment the “people” factor with supporting technology that sees what humans can’t see.
A Brighter Future
Here are 7 keys to achieving
success when you’re ready
- Have a single, cleansed version of the Truth
- Make data Available for Users to Provide Near-Real-Time Responses (also known as Evidence-Based Decisions)
- Understand and Articulate the “Rules of Engagement” updating as necessary
- Cast the Vision. Invest in People, Processes and Technology
- Quantify the ROI and Set Goals
- Learn from the past and don’t just predict the future, take control of it.
- Be Courageous

Let 4Atmos help you implement these steps for success. It’s more than just installing a software application. It’s about seeing into the future and casting a vision for all stakeholders. From the top-floor to the plant floor.